Greener Cities Are Filled With Trees
Urban forests will play an even more important role as we seek seek solutions to global warming and climate change. Urban forestry can help maximize the quality of life in our cities, while reducing energy consumption and maximizing the uptake of carbon dioxide and other harmful pollutants. Fortunately, many sustainable cities are taking steps to minimize their impacts on the environment and to minimize the threats that natural disasters pose to them. Our urban forests are a vital part of the equation.
Saving and planting as many trees as possible offers multiple benefits.
- Minimize energy consumption by strategically placing more trees near residential and commercial properties to help us minimize energy use;
- Maximize tree placements along roadways, railways, and other open spaces to help offset carbon dioxide gases, while minimizing the heat-island effect in many urban areas;
- Promote urban agroforestry initiatives;
- Generate more oxygen, while minimizing air pollution;
- Create and preserve urban habitat for wildlife; and
- Use tree-planting events to help educate communities about carbon neutrality and energy management.
Sacred Seedlings is a reforestation (including urban areas) and carbon capture program designed to address this issue and opportunity.
We are coordinating a global forest conservation and reforestation program that will help absorb carbon build-up in the atmosphere.
The program will generate numerous benefits:
- Absorb carbon in the atmosphere, reduce energy consumption and air pollution.
- Reforest tribal lands, public lands, inner cities, and private property around the globe.
- Preserve wildlife habitat and green spaces for communities.
- Generate jobs for indigenous people around the globe.