Stop Water Mismanagement
Water management might be the most challenging aspect of climate change in cities around the globe. While some are fighting the emergence of rising precipitation and coastlines, others are faced with devastating droughts and fires. Changing water conditions mean changing public health conditions.
For example, reckless wastewater treatment policies and practices are already fueling a global epidemic of neurodegenerative disease among people, wildlife and livestock. Extreme weather is already pushing this infectious and toxic waste back into our lives, including our food and water supplies. In regions suffering water shortages, public officials are approving multi-million dollar projects to convert wastewater into drinking water. Unfortunately, the risk assessments are fraudulent.
Recycling wastewater recycles highly infectious prion disease. The risk assessments are flawed.
Infectious prions are in the bodily fluids of its victims, including skin, blood, urine, mucus, saliva and feces. As such, these victims send prions to the municipal sewage treatment plant where they remain untouched. Wastewater effluent and sewage sludge applied to land recycles prions into the environment. Once dumped on open land, prions remain infectious. Irrigation, precipitation and wind carry the prions into groundwater, streams, lakes, oceans and airways, including homes, offices and beyond.
The risk assessments for the land application of sewage sludge (LASS) are based on fraud and outdated information. The risk assessments were developed back in the 1970s and 1980s–before we knew about prions and other killers in modern wastewater streams, including many forms of infectious medical waste. These outdated risk assessments make the entire practice illegal today under bioterrorism laws. Common sense makes them immoral and a crime against humanity.
Municipal wastewater treatment plants are recycling prion disease via biosolids and wastewater reclamation.
To learn more about the perils of wastewater reclamation and the incomplete risk assessment that enables the practice, please visit